| 1. | Livingstone ' s practice and ideas on university education 利文斯通的大学教育实践与大学教育思想述评 |
| 2. | Said mayor of london ken livingstone 伦敦市长肯利文斯通说: |
| 3. | By livingston ' s analysis , human eyes observe the world through two different zones 按照利文斯通的分析,人眼通过两个不同的区域来观察世界。 |
| 4. | “ his independence and love of the english were his only faults ” ( david livingstone ) “他的独立和对英语的热爱是他唯一的缺点” (大卫?利文斯通) 。 |
| 5. | Mayor of london ken livingstone said that just bidding for the games had already brought benefits for to the capital 伦敦市长肯利文斯通说,仅仅是申办奥运会就给我们的首都带来了好处。 |
| 6. | In my heart , chris lee is an angel . now i ' m presenting you the beautiful voice of this angel . enjoy 中文的意思是:亲爱的利文斯通先生,在我的心中,春春是一个天使,现在我把这个天使的美妙声音献给您。请您欣赏吧。 |
| 7. | In april 2006 , london mayor ken livingstone and locog chairman sebastian coe visited beijing with a large delegation to forger greater ties with the 英国伦敦市市长肯利文斯通和伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安科在代表团陪同下, |
| 8. | Hence , livingston jumps to a conclusion : the elusive mono lisa smile is purely a result of observer ' s sight moving on her face 由此,利文斯通得出结论:蒙娜丽莎的笑容时现时隐,完全是因为观察者的视线在其脸上游动产生的效果。 |
| 9. | With the mayor of london , ken livingstone , on a week - long tour of china from april 9 to april 14 , there was plenty of time for greater ties to be forged 从4月9日到14日,伦敦市长肯?利文斯通进行了为期一周的中国之行,两国之间的联系由此更加密切。 |
| 10. | As considered by margaret livingston , neurobiologist with harvard medical college of usa , the elusive mono lisa smile is the result of our eyes ' movement 美国哈佛医学院的神经生物学家玛格丽特?利文斯通认为,蒙娜丽莎微笑的时隐时现,是我们的眼睛运动的结果。 |