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Home > chinese-english > "别以为他们会老实的他们决不会善罢甘休" in English

English translation for "别以为他们会老实的他们决不会善罢甘休"

don't imagine that they'll behave themselves. they will not take their defeat lying down

Related Translations:
善罢甘休:  leave the matter at that; be willing to let go [give up]; be willing to take things lying down; let it go at that 短语和例子他可不是个善罢甘休的人。 he was not prepared to give up that easily. 别以为他们会老实的, 他
他们决不会在一边看热闹:  in no case will they look on passively
手不老实有小偷小摸的陋习:  have sticky fingers
以为基础:  be ground ed upon
以为前提:  on the premise that
以为得计:  pride oneself on having done something smart
以为己任:  regard as one's own responsibility
以为代价:  at all ~s
以为乐事:  take pleasure in
自以为:  condescensionin one's own conceitset up for
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