| 1. | Clause to return the before and after images of the 列的前像和后像返回到 |
| 2. | Or the after image in 中的前像或 |
| 3. | Modern corneal laser surgery has been one of the effective methods for wavefront aberration correction in recent years 近年来准分子激光角膜技术迅速发展,人眼波前像差的矫正成为该领域研究的热点问题。 |
| 4. | The zywave ii wavefront aberrometer offers precision diagnostics , measuring refractive error by identifying the most aberrations of the eye 波前像差扫描zywaver ii量度及分析个人眼睛给的度数和像差等问题。 |
| 5. | Those a lot of year ages are like the flower periods similar in love , those people , see now are a trip for lacking self - knowledge in fact and all 那些很多年前像花期一样的恋爱,那些人,如今看来,其实都是一场不自知的旅行。 |
| 6. | Using the wavefront aberration map and the mtf , interaction between aberrations to improve or reduce visual performance is discussed . 2 . a model for wavefront reconstruction from slopes of reflected wave is presented 2 .从理论上建立了由眼底发出的测试波前斜率测量值重建波前曲面(数值上等于波前像差)的模型。 |
| 7. | Currently the measurement and correction of aberration is a focus points in the field of ophthalmology . the examination of wave - front aberration is a main method that is used to observe optical system of the human eye 人眼波前像差测量与矫正是目前眼科领域的研究热点之一,而波前像差测量是观察人眼光学系统是否完备的一种比较全面的方法。 |
| 8. | Visx customvue wavescan aberrometer measures such high order aberrations , and then wavescan software translates this digital information to the laser system , driving a new level of precision and accuracy of lasik surgery 现在威视波前像差分析仪,能有效地量度高阶像差经计算并处理后传送到激光矫视仪器,使激光矫视手术的效果得到进一步提升。 |
| 9. | The experimental results show that the excimer laser refractive system is characteristic of short cure time , high accuracy , surface smoothness and easy to integrate the wavefront aberration technology 实验结果表明,该矫正系统具有治疗时间短、矫正精度高、角膜切削表面光滑,易于集成波前像差技术实现“个体化切削”方案等优点,具有较好的临床应用前景。 |
| 10. | Excimer laser corneal refractive surgery and wavefront technology have developed rapidly these yeas . now , wavefront - guided laser vision correction becomes the hotspot in corneal refractive surgery . applying the technology of cad / cam , this paper has studied modeling technologies in excimer laser vision correction 近年来准分子激光角膜屈光手术、眼波前像差的测量技术迅速发展,当前波前像差引导的个体化切削技术成为研究的热点问题。 |