Bai jie scored in the 16th minute as china beat russia 1 - 0 sunday night to claim first place in group d women ' s world cup play 开赛第16分钟,中国队前锋白洁射球成功,最终中国女足以1比0战胜俄罗斯队,在世界杯女足赛d组最后一场比赛中以小组第一的身份进入前八强。
Bai jie scored in the 16th minute as china beat russia 1 - 0 sunday night to claim first place in group d women ' s world cup play . score a usually numerical record of a competitive event 开赛第16分钟,中国队前锋白洁射球成功,最终中国女足以1比0战胜俄罗斯队,在世界杯女足赛d组最后一场比赛中以小组第一的身份进入前八强。