A man who advocates aesthetic effort and deprecates social effort is only likely to be understood by a class to which social effort has become a stale matter . 要是有一个人,只赞成高雅清逸,不赞成功名利禄,那他的话大概只有一班在名利场中打过跟斗的人才听得懂。
Escape the temptations of fame , and wealth and achievement 他说一个人若能躲过功名利禄的诱惑
As i recall , i had braved the winds and storms of life , pursuing fame and gold , long entrapped in sensuality and passion 念往昔,风风雨雨多少年,一直在功名利禄上翻滚,在声色犬马边打转。
Alas , my dear mother , some have suffered so much , and yet live , and have raised a new fortune on the ruin of all the promises of happiness which heaven had made them - on the fragments of all the hope which god had given them 唉!亲爱的妈,有人受过那样的苦,但还是坚强地活了下来,而且从苍天所赐给他们的废墟上,从上帝所给他们的希望的碎片上重新建立了他们的功名利禄!
He had completely assimilated that unwritten code which had so pleased him at olmtz , that code in virtue of which a lieutenant may stand infinitely higher than a general , and all that is needed for success in the service is not effort , not work , not gallantry , not perseverance , but simply the art of getting on with those who have the bestowal of promotion , and he often himself marvelled at the rapidity of his own progress , and that others failed to grasp the secret of it 他完全领会了奥尔米茨实行的那种使他悦意的无明文规定的等级服从制度,遵照这种制度,一名准尉竟能无比地高于一名将领,遵照这种制度,要想求得功名利禄,飞黄腾达,不必要努力和劳累,不必要刚勇,也毋须忠贞不渝,只要擅长于应酬那些论功行赏的人就行了,因此他常因自己迅速获得成就而感到诧异,并因他人无法明了这种奥妙而感到惊讶。
Its all very well for rostov , whose father sends him ten thousand at a time , to talk about not caring to cringe to any one , and not being a lackey to any man . but i , with nothing of my own but my brains , have my career to make , and mustnt let opportunities slip , but must make the most of them “罗斯托夫的父亲一次就给他汇寄万把块卢布,他轻松愉快,说他不在任何人面前低三下四,决不去做任何人的仆役而我除去自己的头颅以外,一无所有,不得不给自己谋求锦绣前程,获取功名利禄,时机不可错失,而应充分利用它。 ”