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English translation for "加拿大奥林匹克委员会"

canadian olympic association
canadian olympic committee

Related Translations:
各国奥林匹克委员会协会:  anocassociation of national olympic committee
加拿大文化:  culture of canada
加拿大屎:  balsam of fircanada balsamcanada turpentinecanadabalsam
加拿大桥梁:  bridges in canada
加拿大华人:  chinese canadian
加拿大航空公司:  ac air canadaaca air canadacanadair ltd
加拿大岛屿:  islands of canada
加拿大歌手:  canadian singers
加拿大白:  canadian whitestanstead grey
人民加拿大:  people's canada
Example Sentences:
1.Canadian olympic committee names mark rowswell
2.Manager , media relations canadian olympic committee
加拿大奥林匹克委员会媒体关系部主任eric michalko先生
3.The canadian olympic committee is a national , private , not - for - profit organization committed to sport excellence
4.It is responsible for all aspects of canadas involvement in the olympic movement , including canadas participation in the olympic and pan american games and a wide variety of programs that promote the olympic movement in canada through cultural and educational means
5.As part of the cocs beijing media information sessions , scheduled to take place a few months prior to the games in 2008 , rowswell will also provide members of the canadian media with a unique perspective on chinese media relations and a better understanding of chinese culture
6.Toronto , november 6 , 2006 the canadian olympic committee announced today that mark rowswell , a toronto resident who has become an icon in china under his stage name dashan , has been appointed as the canadian team attach for the 2008 olympic games
多伦多, 2006年11月6日加拿大奥林匹克委员会coc今天宣布,委员会已经任命大山为2008奥运会加拿大国家队特使。大山,英文名马克罗斯威尔mark rowswell ,是一名多伦多居民,也是中国家喻户晓的国际友人。
7.Dashan touring olympic facilities in beijing with the canadian olympic committee as team attach , rowswell will be responsible for facilitating cooperation between the coc and the various local groups and individuals in beijing while also assisting with canadas team operations at the 2008 olympic games
8.People in canada may not know his name but mark has achieved true celebrity status in china where eight out of 10 people recognize him as dashan , said chris rudge , coc chief executive officer . his stature in china will certainly open doors for the canadian olympic team and help us with many of our high - performance needs prior to and during the 2008 olympic games
9.In canada , rowswell will be instrumental in helping canadas athletes , coaches and team leaders better understand chinas cultural customs by serving as a guest speaker at , among other events , the cocs beijing olympic excellence series , which will take place in mid - november
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