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English translation for "劳工们"


Related Translations:
劳工标准:  labour standard
美洲劳工:  inter american labor bulletininter-american labor bulletin
进步劳工:  progressive labor
劳工联盟:  labor unionlabour federation
劳工剥削:  exploitation of labour
劳工的统治:  ergatocracy
劳工事务局:  direccion del trabajo
农业劳工制:  farm labour system
美国劳工联合会:  american federation of labor
墨西哥劳工党:  mexican workers' partypmt
Example Sentences:
1.We watched the workmen quarry out a huge block of marble
2.We watched the workmen quarry out a huge block of marble
3.Finally in 1903 , the coolie revolt koeli schandalen broke out . it was an event that shook the world
4.He says he would prefer to have mexican laborers remain here rather than cross the border illegally to work in the united states
5.He says he would prefer to have mexican laborers remain here rather than cross the border illegally to work in the united states
6.Employers would much prefer not to have to train new people every six months , and workers want to keep their jobs or move on to better ones
7.For the 15 , 000 or so chinese men who had come to build canada ' s transcontinental railway and the many more that came thereafter , it became first prohibitively expensive and then impossible to send for their wives and children
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