The earth's atmosphere is an invisible gaseous envelope . 地球的大气是一个看不见的气体包围圈。
When they reached the fringe of the woods, the men separated, and lonnie found himself a part of the circle that was closing in on clem . 他们走近树林边缘时就四散开来,形成向克莱姆步步进逼的包围圈,朗尼发觉自己成了这个包围圈的一员。
Just before they reached the fringe of the woods, the men separated, and lonnie found himself a part of the circle that were closing in on clem . 他们接近树林边缘时就四散开来,形成向克莱姆步步进逼的包围圈,朗尼发觉自己成了这个包围圈的一分子。
A whole battalion of soldiers surrounded us in a tight ring 整个军队把我们紧紧地包围在包围圈中。
Jewish - owned shops were shut down . swastikas replaced six - pointed stars . the walls of anti - semitism were closing in 犹太人的铺子关闭了。子旗取代了六角星旗。反犹太主义的包围圈越来越紧。
Jewish - owned shops were shut down . swastikas replaced six - pointed stars . the walls of anti - semitism were closing in 犹太人的铺子关闭了。那旗子取代了六角星旗。反犹太主义的包围圈一天紧似一天。
Jewish - owned shops were shut down . swastikas replaced six - pointed stars the walls of anti - semitism were closing in 犹太人的铺子关闭了。字旗取代了六角星旗。反犹太主义的包围圈一天紧似一天。
The 3 . panzergrenadier - division was in action defending near cologne when it was trapped by the allies in the ruhr pocket where it surrendered in april , 1945 第3装甲掷弹兵在科隆附近进行抵抗的时候陷入的盟军的鲁尔包围圈,最后它于1945年4月投降。
Rather than comfortably nibbled away by conventions and commonplaces in a familiar environment , it is far better to struggle to break out of it , bring new value to your life , and raise your professional standing 与其固守包围圈内被世俗与庸碌舒服地蚕食,不如奋力一搏突围而出,去更新人生价值、提升事业品位。
The crowd filed up the aisles : the aged and needy postmaster , who had seen better days ; the mayor and his wife - for they had a mayor there , among other unnecessaries ; the justice of the peace ; the widow douglass , fair , smart , and forty , a generous , good - hearted soul and well - to - do , her hill mansion the only palace in the town , and the most hospitable and much the most lavish in the matter of festivities that st . petersburg could boast ; the bent and venerable major and mrs . ward ; lawyer riverson , the new notable from a distance ; next the belle of the village , followed by a troop of lawn - clad and ribbon - decked young heart - breakers ; then all the young clerks in town in a body - for they had stood in the vestibule sucking their cane - heads , a circling wall of oiled and simpering admirers , till the last girl had run their gantlet ; and last of all came the model boy , willie mufferson , taking as heedful care of his mother as if she were cut glass 人们簇拥着顺着过道往里走:有上了年纪的贫苦的邮政局局长,他曾经是过过好日子的有镇长和他的太太这地方竟然还有个镇长,这和其他许多没有必要的摆设一样有治安法官有道格拉斯寡妇,她来岁,长得小巧而美丽,为人宽厚,慷慨大方而又心地善良,生活还算富裕,她山上的住宅是镇上唯一漂亮讲究的,可算得上殿堂,每逢节庆日,她可是圣彼德堡镇上人们引以为荣的最热情好客最乐善好施的人有驼背的德高望重的华德少校和他的夫人还有维尔逊律师,一位远道而来的新贵客。再下面就是镇上的大美人,后面跟着一大帮穿细麻布衣服扎着缎带的让人害单相思病的年轻姑娘。跟在她们后里的是镇上所有年轻的店员和职员,他们一涌而进原来他们是一群如痴如醉的爱慕者,开始都站在门廊里,嘬着自己的手指头,围在那儿站成一道墙似的,一直到最后一个姑娘走出他们的包围圈为止。