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English translation for "包揽诉讼"

monopolize lawsuits

Related Translations:
包揽:  undertake the whole thing; take on everything 短语和例子包揽一切 make an entire monopoly of everything; 一个人包揽不了这么多事。 no one person can take on so much work
包揽租赁:  wralease - a lease transaction generally involving
包揽家务活:  do all the cleaning and cooking
包揽一切:  undertake the whole thingtake on everythingmonopolize
包揽词讼:  act as a shyster; engage in pettifoggery; monopolize lawsuits, as an attorney; try to get lawsuits as a huckster
包揽众奖:  swept the board
国家财政包揽过多:  the state finance takes on too much financial burden
一个人包揽不了这么多事:  no one person can take on so much work
诉讼:  [法律] lawsuit; litigation; legal action; judicial action; action 短语和例子撤消诉讼 withdraw an accusation; drop a lawsuit; 对某人提出诉讼 bring an action against sb.; take legal proceedings against sb.; 民
诉讼制度:  procedural regime
Example Sentences:
1.The restriction has its origins in the ancient common law crime and tort of champerty and maintenance
2.The reason is as follow : under the inquisitive system , the parties have not any really litigation rights including the right of alteration of action
3.Further legal complication arises if champerty is not abolished but a specific group of people or litigation under specific arrangements is allowed for potential financial rewards
4.Champerty or giving of assistance , encouragement or support to litigation by a person who has no legitimate interest in the litigation is currently against public policy and is unlawful in common law
5.Though discussed in the consultation paper which makes reference to trade unions and insurance companies having a justifiable and legal interest in litigation , it is not clear if it is the intention to change the law to permit champerty and maintenance in hong kong
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