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English translation for "北卡罗来纳州立大学"

carolina stateuniv
north carolina state universityraleigh
Example Sentences:
1.He is a professor at the university of north carolina
2.A graduate of north carolina state university , torok began his career with ups in the usa in 1975
3.Steve kim holds a bs degree in computer science from north carolina state university , with a minor in science and technology
Steve kim拥有北卡罗来纳州立大学的“计算机科学”的学士学位,他还把科学与技术作为第二专业。
4.He received his ph . d . in operations research in computer science from north carolina state university in 2000 , where his research interests were related to multiagent systems , distributed systems , and workflow
他于2000年获得北卡罗来纳州立大学( north carolina state university )计算机科学运筹学博士学位,他的研究兴趣涉及多代理系统、分布式系统和工作流。
5.The town of nelsonville , in southern ohio , has become an “ artists ' mecca ” in recent years , according to will lambe , a research associate at the university of north carolina who is working on a book about small - town economic development ( which covers colquitt too )
俄亥俄州南部的纳尔逊维尔小镇,最近几年成为了“艺术家的麦加圣地” ,这是一位叫做威尔?拉姆的副研究员所说的,他在北卡罗来纳州立大学任职,最近在写一本关于小城镇经济发展的书(这本书中也讲到了科尔奎特) 。
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