Pick hammers ; flat - and shearpick without and with shank 十字镐.无柄和带柄的平头镐及尖头镐
Whether you handle a pick or a pen , a wheel - barrow or a set of books , you must work 不管你握着的是一把十字镐或一枝笔,一辆手推车或一套书,你都必须工作。
I saw it a minute ago . " he ran and brought the boys pick and shovel . injun joe took the pick , looked it over critically , shook his head , muttered something to himself , and then began to use it 他跑过去拿回两个孩子的工具:十字镐和铁锹,挑剔地看了一番,摇摇头,自言自语地咕哝了一两句,然后开始挖了起来。
The historian , who says that napoleon went to moscow because he wanted to , and was ruined because alexander desired his ruin , will be just as right and as wrong as the man who says that the mountain of millions of tons , tottering and undermined , has been felled by the last stroke of the last workingmans pick - axe 拿破仑去莫斯科是因为他想去,他毁灭是因为亚历山大希望他毁灭。这样说又对又不对,这就像说一座重一百万普特,下面被挖空的山之所以崩塌是因为最后一个工人用十字镐在山下最后的一击一样,又对又不对。