add a hundred practical hints and a thousand salutary warnings; give many exhortations to sb.; command sb. a hundred thousand times; exhort sb. repeatedly
叮: 动词1.(蚊子等咬) sting; bite 短语和例子脚上叫蚊子叮了一下 get a mosquito bite on the leg; 他被黄蜂叮了一下。 he was stung by a wasp.2.(追问) say or ask again to make sure 短语和例子我叮了他一句, 他才说了真话。 i asked him again, and at l
But while everybody else sweats and frets , jim s dad is cool as ever , dispensing advice that no one wants to hear and getting ready for one of the best days of his life 吉姆为了让岳父母留下好印象,千叮万嘱两位好兄弟按兵不动。吉姆的父亲一如往常般无厘头,大谈没人想听的人生大道理
Mrs . bennet was diffuse in her good wishes for the felicity of her daughter , and impressive in her injunctions that she would not miss the opportunity of enjoying herself as much as possible ; advice , which there was every reason to believe would be attended to ; and in the clamorous happiness of lydia herself in bidding farewell , the more gentle adieus of her sisters were uttered without being heard 班纳特太太口口声声祝她女儿幸福,又千叮万嘱地叫她不要错过了及时行乐的机会这种嘱咐,女儿当然会去遵命办理她得意非凡地对家里人大声叫着再会,于是姐妹们低声细气地祝她一路平安的话,她听也没有听见。