| 1. | He is a tramp and used to living rough . 他是流浪汉,惯于风餐雨卧。 |
| 2. | The hen sits in the hencoop [henroost] . 母鸡卧窝。 |
| 3. | The subjacent and lateral strata previously have been compacted . 下卧层和旁侧层先已压实。 |
| 4. | He cowered down upon the stone bed, and thought of the past . 他蜷卧在石床上,回想经过的事情。 |
| 5. | The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain . 采取卧位和肩痛有关。 |
| 6. | Hold the infant in cradle position when administering nose drops . 在滴鼻时要将婴儿抱成摇篮卧位。 |
| 7. | Maggie asked idly, flat on her stomach on the carpet reading a book . 麦琪懒散地问,她正伏卧在地毯上看书。 |
| 8. | Taking a glance at the stone , you will see that it is just like a crouched ox . 蓦然看去,这石头像一头卧牛。 |
| 9. | Bertha was sitting up in bed, with a mass of cushions and pillows behind her . 伯莎坐卧在床,靠在一大堆枕垫上。 |
| 10. | As they left the compound, peter gee nudged grief to look where tui tulifan reclined on the mats . 他们离开宫院时,彼得吉用肘轻推格里菲,让他注意图图利福席地而卧的地方。 |