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English translation for "卫击"


Related Translations:
振击器:  jars
治卫:  harue
波卫:  namie
卫夫人:  wei shuo
资卫:  sukee
舍卫:  savatthi
理卫:  rie
江卫:  jianwei
朝卫:  asaechao wei
徐卫:  wei xu
Example Sentences:
1.After the death of saul , david returned from defeating the amalekites and stayed in ziklag two days
2.[ bbe ] he got some men together and made himself captain of a band of outlaws ; and went to damascus and became king there
3.And david smote the land , and left neither man nor woman alive , and took away the sheep , and the oxen , and the asses , and the camels , and the apparel , and returned , and came to achish
4.And david smote the land , and left neither man nor woman alive , and took away the sheep , and the oxen , and the asses , and the camels , and the apparel , and returned , and came to achish
撒上27 : 9大卫击杀那地的人、无论男女都没有留下一个又夺获牛、羊、骆驼、驴、并衣服回来见亚吉。
5.Due to the carcinogenicity and the considerable impact on our environment and ecosystems , polychlorinated dibenzo - para - dioxins ( dioxins ) and their structurally similar compounds such as polychlorinated dibenzo - para - furans ( furans ) and polychlorinated biphenyls ( pcbs ) have become concerns to public health
摘要由于多氯戴奥辛(以下称戴奥辛) ,与其化学结构类似的化学物质,如多氯夫喃(以下称夫喃)与多氯联苯等,被发现在动物实验中有极强的致癌性及对环境的卫击,在公共卫生上引起很大的关切。
Similar Words:
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