卵翼之下: be shielded by ...; under the wings of ; under the shield of
Example Sentences:
By present decision the king is dividing the nation and delivering it into hitler's protection . 国王现在的决定是在分裂国家并把它置之于希特勒的卵翼之下。
However , we could n ' t overestate the level of export substitution . in the first place , it directly faced up to the globe , the metamorphose in an unpredictable way in the world such as the convert of the science and technology development in international society , the convert of inclination of consumption , the transmit of the power of which price could have been made decisions by oneself and the increasing of tariff that other coutries levied towards china at random and also the supply of other raw materials which were processed in other coutries and regions , and so it was very difficult to develop continually . moreever , the central government of modern china was weak and incapable , it did n ' t know the 其加工附加值低,加工链不长,出口替代业远未形成独立发展的格局,它的许多产品大多来自进口替代企业,而这也就从根本上决定了中国的出口产品在国际上并不可能走得太远,它只得往那销一向些比中国更落后的地区挤占,比如南洋一带,并且在这些地还仗着华侨的集中与爱国优势的卵翼,因此,国际市场,生产的主要是些初级品或半成品,中国的出口制成品少,并且其国际竞争力也很弱,从它发展的如此局促,我们应更多地思考造成这种状况的原因,并从中吸取教训,以便更好地推进当今中国的出口加工业朝更高的水平发展。