| 1. | This trio of historians arrived at a suitable moment . 上述三位历史学家都生逢其时。 |
| 2. | Historians find difficulties in interpreting certain records . 历史学家在解释某些记载时碰到困难。 |
| 3. | I must suspend the military historian's critical detachment . 我必须摒除军事历史学家吹毛求疵的超然态度。 |
| 4. | Most historians attribute such declines to wars and conquests . 大多数的历史学家把这样的衰亡归于战争和征服。 |
| 5. | "the real culprit," one historian has argued, "was the system itself" . 一个历史学家争辩道,“真正的病根在于这个制度本身。” |
| 6. | The field of aesthetics presents an especially difficult problem to the historian . 美学领域向历史学家提出了一个格外困难的问题。 |
| 7. | Students find that all historians argue reasonably and persuasively . 学生们发现所有的历史学家都争论得有条有理,并且很有说服力。 |
| 8. | Whether the momentous decision was wise or foolish will be long debated by historians . 这种重大决定究竟是英明还是糊涂,历史学家将长期争论。 |
| 9. | The historian can only treat conscientious religious belief with the respect it deserves . 历史学家只可以用应有的尊敬态度来对待严肃的宗教信仰。 |
| 10. | Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture . 至今,历史学家们认为日历是随着农业的出现而产生的。 |