| 1. | It is necessary to place the wood in a pressure vessel, usually known as a cylinder or autoclave . 必须把木材放到通常称为蒸煮缸或压力釜的压力容器中。 |
| 2. | Safety standard for pressure vessels for human occupancy 载人压力容器的安全标准 |
| 3. | International conference on pressure and vessel technology 国际压力容器技术会议 |
| 4. | Unfired pressure vessels - part 4 : manufacture 非火加热的压力容器.第4部分:制造 |
| 5. | Alternative standard for construction of pressure vessels 压力容器结构用替换标准 |
| 6. | Unfired pressure vessels - part 2 : materials 非火加热的压力容器.第2部分:材料 |
| 7. | Glossary of terms used in construction of pressure vessels 压力容器结构用术语汇编 |
| 8. | Type and specification for pressure vessel flanges 压力容器法兰分类与技术条件 |
| 9. | Manhole closures for pressure vessels of stainless steel 不锈钢制压力容器用人孔盖 |
| 10. | Construction of pressure vessel - general principles 压力容器的结构.一般原则 |