| 1. | Toast - plain tartufi neri - tuber summer black truffle 波仕维奥牌原粒黑松露菌-夏 |
| 2. | Tartufi neri - tuber summer black truffle toast - plain 波仕维奥牌原粒黑松露菌-夏 |
| 3. | Sicoly strawberry whole fruits red pepper linguine - hot 法国鲜果丽牌原粒冷藏红加伦子1kg |
| 4. | Sicoly blueberry whole fruits ricotta dips sundried tomatoe basil 法国鲜果丽牌原粒冷藏蓝莓1kg |
| 5. | Notify me of updates to sicoly blueberry whole fruits 法国鲜果丽牌原粒冷藏蓝莓1kg更新时通知我 |
| 6. | Notify me of updates to sicoly raspberry whole fruits 法国鲜果丽牌原粒冷藏红桑子1kg更新时通知我 |
| 7. | Notify me of updates to sicoly strawberry whole fruits 法国鲜果丽牌原粒冷藏士多啤梨1kg更新时通知我 |
| 8. | Notify me of updates to sicoly red currant whole fruits 法国鲜果丽牌原粒冷藏红加伦子1kg更新时通知我 |
| 9. | Avoid foods that are hard in texture , like nuts and walnut cake 避免较硬的食物如原粒或碎果仁含合桃的蛋糕等。 |