Another version has it that large and small protoplanetary discs of the same mass may form exoplanets differently 另一种说法认为大小不一但质量相同的原行星盘就可能形成各自不同的系外行星。
The objects are considered fossil remnants of the swirling disk of debris that coalesced to form the solar system roughly 5 billion years ago 柯依伯带被认为是50亿年前形成太阳系的原行星盘的古老的残留物质。
Large discs ? like that from which the solar system is thought to have formed ? might create gaseous giants farther away from the host star while smaller discs might allow such objects to form closer in 较大的盘? ?类似于认为形成太阳系的原行星盘? ?可能会产生距离主星稍远的气态巨星,而较小的盘可能会形成距离主星更近的天体。