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English translation for "又十"


Related Translations:
又译:  the trueman show
又好气又好笑:  be annoying and amusing at the same time
国又:  kunimata
小又:  komataomata
又直:  matanao
又危险:  adangerr
又夫:  matao
又怕又恨:  with both fear and hate
又藏:  matazo
猫又:  nekomata
Example Sentences:
1.The one who succeeded in being promoted to supervisor , by 2 months and 10 days
2.Again he folded his hands and looked away over the lawn into the street
3.Now , i didn ' t tell you this before , but i ' m one - eighth and 31 4ths cherokee
4.Now , i didn ' t tell you this before , but i ' m one - eighth and 3 1 4ths cherokee
5.Now , i didn ' t tell you this before , but i ' m one - eighth and 3 / 1 4ths cherokee
6.The penalty payable is hk $ 20 for lodgement within 1 month and 14 days after the importation or exportation
7.If the total value of articles stated in a declaration exceeds hk $ 20 , 000 , the three levels of penalty charges will be double to hk $ 40 , hk $ 80 and hk $ 200 respectively
8.Hk $ 40 for lodgement within 2 months and 14 days after the importation or exportation ; and hk $ 100 for lodgement after 2 months and 14 days after the importation or exportation
9.Following the belief of do what you are told , i succeeded in being promoted to supervisor , by 2 months and 10 days , which sets up a new record in lucy belle
10.Thus have i been twenty years in thy house ; i served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters , and six years for thy cattle : and thou hast changed my wages ten times
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