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English translation for "双向交通"

two way traffic turn
two-way traffic

Related Translations:
双向密封:  two way seal
双向限幅器:  clipper limiterdouble limiterslicer
双向印刷:  bidrectional printingduplex printing
双向透镜:  double image lens
双向操作:  bidirectional operationbidirrectional operationbiplane operationboth way operationbothway operationoperation, completetwo way operationtwo-way operation
双向收费:  two-way charge systemtwo-way charging scheme
双向发电:  two way generation
双向转换:  bilateral switching
双向电视:  two way televisiontwo-way television
双向联系:  bidirectional relationship
Example Sentences:
1.Implementation of two - way traffic arrangement on information crescent
2.It was assumed in 1991 that the peak hour two - way traffic flow through the expressway would be 13 900 passenger car units ( pcu ) by 2004
于一九九一年作出的假设是北大屿山快速公路在二四年的繁忙时间双向交通流量为13 , 900小客车架次。
3.In allusion to the two - way traffic artery , the dynamic optimization model which adopt cycle length , split and offsets as the decision variables is established , and the simulation is conducted in a dynamic traffic demand mode
Similar Words:
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