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English translation for "双子星座"

◇双子星座飞船交会雷达 gemini spacecraft rendezvous radar; 双子星座航天雷达 spaceborne radar for gemini; 双子星座燃料电池 gemini fuel cell

Related Translations:
固定星座:  fixed signs
麒麟星座:  monoceros
拱星座:  circumpolar constellation
星座年代:  astrological age
望远镜星座:  telescopetelescopium
盾牌星座:  scutum (sct)
狐狸星座:  vulpecula
豺狼星座:  lupus
本位星座:  cardinal signs
星座链球菌:  streptococcus constellatus
Example Sentences:
1.The flow over the geimini afterbody is separated .
2.The gemini was about as roomy as the front seat of a small foreign car .
3.The area that miaka pointed to was the region where the constellations of cancer and gemini shone
4.Aquarius has a visionary spirit that is attractive to gemini , who always appreciates a good concept or interesting idea , and both partners enjoy independence
5.First artwork auction met chinese fine heart 1994 , its clinch a deal amount is 14 . 23 million yuan of rmbs , and after 10 years 2004 , artwork of fine germany border auctions the china that auctions course of study to get bellwether as artwork of chinese cultural relic company , one of field autumn auctions meet clinch a deal amount amounts to four hundred and eighty million one hundred and eighty thousand yuan , and the beijing writing sea that auctions constellation of gemini of course of study for chinese cultural relic together , its were auctioned summer 2004 of the meeting clinch a deal amount more achieve six hundred and twenty - three million one hundred and ninety - eight thousand eight hundred record - breaking yuan
1994年中国嘉德首届艺术品拍卖会,其成交总额为1423万元人民币,而十年之后的2004年,作为中国文物艺术品拍卖业领头羊的中国嘉德国际艺术品拍卖公司,其一场秋季拍卖会的成交总额就达48018万元,而同为中国文物拍卖业双子星座的北京翰海,其2004年秋季拍卖会的成交总额更达到创纪录的62319 . 88万元。
Similar Words:
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