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English translation for "双字母"

[ shuāngzìmǔ ]

Related Translations:
字母字符集:  alphabetic character setalphabetic charater set
识别字母:  identification letter
混淆字母:  confusion lettersletters confusion
希伯来字母:  hebrew alphabet
字母冲:  letter punch
字母系:  alphabet
有限字母:  finite alphabet
黑体字母:  bold letter
字母队形:  letter formation
开头字母:  initial
Example Sentences:
1.Parameter should be a two - letter pair
2.Gets the name or iso 3166 two - letter country region code for the current
对象的名称或iso 3166双字母国家/地区代码。
3.Two letter signal
4.In statistical attacks on ciphers the known frequency of various bigrams , in a given language , can be used in attempts to break the cipher
5.In cases where a two - letter language code is not available , the three - letter code derived from iso 639 - 2 is used ; for example , the three - letter code " div " is used for cultures that use the dhivehi language
双字母语言代码不可用的情况中,将使用从iso 639 - 2派生的三字母代码;例如,三字母代码“ div ”用于使用dhivehi语言的区域。预定义的
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