Spies and counterspies were everywhere . 到处是特务和反间谍人员。
He offered to take me to see louis tordella to persuade him to help with the counterespionage of roc . 他主动提出要带我去见路易斯托德拉,劝说他在辐射作战委员会的反间谍方面帮忙。
But most of all, he possessed a streak of determinations, if not ruthlessness, which made him a superb head of counterespionage . 最重要的是,他虽然说不上残酷无情,但却意志坚决,这使他成了极好的反间谍领导人。
If sending the army into the tribal areas has failed , and if goading one bunch of islamists into slaughtering another is hardly a long - term solution , what should pakistan do 如果派兵进驻难以平靖,挑拨反间亦难长治久安,那么巴基斯坦作何计议?