| 1. | This brochure on farming was issued by the department of agriculture . 这本农业小册子是农业部发行的。 |
| 2. | A serial is a publication issued in successive parts and intended to be continued indefinitely . 连续分期,并拟无限期地继续发行的出版物,称为连续出版物。 |
| 3. | The amounts and kinds of stock that a corporation may issue are enumerated in the company's charter . 公司可以发行的股票金额和种类应该列举在公司的章程中。 |
| 4. | On one side is listed the capital employed, which usually consists of the issued share capital plus reserves and retained earnings . 一栏是资金的运用,所运用的资金通常由发行的股本加公积金和未分配利润组成。 |
| 5. | Henceforth the editors were to be news gatherers and the newspaper staked its future on its ability to gather, print, and circulate news . 此后,编辑们要成为新闻编集者,而报纸的前途也将视其对新闻的采集、印刷和发行的能力而定。 |
| 6. | The new issue will be divided into four tranches :新一批发行的债券分为四部份。 |
| 7. | This update also includes the previously released 这个更新程式也包含先前发行的 |
| 8. | The component is a data access redistributable 该组件是可再发行的数据访问组件。 |
| 9. | Published by authority in the year one thousand and 诸如一千xx年政府发行的官报。 |
| 10. | Dutch p99 10 gulden issued in 1997 look - alike 酷似荷兰1997年发行的p99 10盾 |