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English translation for "受崇敬的"


Related Translations:
崇敬:  esteem; respect; revere 短语和例子怀着十分崇敬的心情 cherish a feeling of great reverence for; 爱因斯坦的相对论赢得了全世界对他的崇敬。 einstein's theory of relativity won for him universal esteem
受崇敬:  ace high
崇敬上帝:  worshipping the godhead
崇敬术:  consecrate
崇敬地:  veneratebly
表示崇敬的:  fan 2
我崇敬你:  i respect you
令人崇敬的:  venerable- commanding respect by virtue of age dignity character or position
应崇敬的:  reverend
可崇敬地:  adorably
Example Sentences:
1.That man is admired above all men , who is not influenced by money
2.The cote - d ' or produces some of france ' s most venerated wines
3.It means sanctified , venerated , holy , saint and occasionally other related ideas
4.International paper was also named no . 1 in the forest product sector on fortune magazine ' s most admired companies list
5.International paper was also named no . 1 in the forest products sector on fortune magazine ' s most admired companies list
6.International paper had sales in 2006 of usd $ 22 billion . international paper was also named no . 1 in the forest products sector on fortune magazine ' s most admired companies list
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