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English translation for "变得烦躁"

get fretful

Related Translations:
你为什么烦躁不安:  what are you fretting about
变得:  becamebecome -get grow turngotyou would get much more fat if you kept on eating so much
变得多云:  cloud over
变得萎靡不振:  lose vigor and vitality become weak
变得独立:  cut the umbilical cord
变得清晰:  come into focus
变得无效:  rendered void
变得甜:  sweetening
变得过热:  overheat
怎样变得自信:  how to gain confidence
Example Sentences:
1.Feliks was chafed by his stiff collar, his leather shoes and his circumstances .
2.He started to feel annoyed when staying with her
3.She felt a sharp pang and grew disturbed and uneasy at once
4.But the journey was very long , and after a time our traveler grew bored
5.They become anxious when the weekend approaches and they do n ' t know what to do during their time off
6.“ eventually it was mumbles at the end , exactly what i thought would happen . he got fed up , his throat got sore
“不过到后来他的声音就越来越小了,就想我预料的那样,他变得烦躁,他的嗓子也哑了。 ”
7.But it merged in yet another . she became restless and uneasy ; yet , having waited so long , it was necessary to wait longer ; on account of the fair the roads were dotted with roving characters of possibly ill intent ; and , though not fearful of measurable dangers , she feared the unknown
Similar Words:
"变得粗俗" English translation, "变得呆痴" English translation, "变得独立" English translation, "变得对某人有利" English translation, "变得多云" English translation, "变得非常敬畏上帝, , 变得非常认真" English translation, "变得非常密切" English translation, "变得非常气愤" English translation, "变得非常燥热" English translation, "变得费劲" English translation