| 1. | He beheld the figure of a man, in grave and decent attire, seated at the foot of an old tree . 他发现在一棵古树下坐着一位衣着整齐庄重的人。 |
| 2. | Where are you to find your laughing springs, and leaping brooks, and venerable trees, a thousand years old in a clearing ? 你哪儿还能找到欢乐的小溪、淙淙的流水和爬满青藤的千年古树呢? |
| 3. | Fling pairs back into the distance, then, exchange it for endless avenues and cross avenues of wintry trees ! 那就把巴黎远远地抛在后面,换个口味,看看冬天里那些望不到头的,古树参天的林荫道和纵横交错的道路吧! |
| 4. | Trees of particularly old age such as aged over 100 years 古树(例如树超过一百年) |
| 5. | On the top of the mountain grows a tall old tree 山顶上长着一棵高大的古树 |
| 6. | All ne ancients can now attack while rooted 所有暗夜精灵的古树扎根以后还是可以攻击 |
| 7. | All ne ancients can now attack while rooted 所有暗夜精灵的古树扎根以后仍然可以攻击 |
| 8. | There stands an ancient in front of my house 我的房子前面立着一棵古树。 |
| 9. | Register of old valuable trees nature conservation 古树名木册(自然保育) |
| 10. | No wonder i mistook it as a tree fossil 怪不得我以为它是古树的化石呢。 |