Some people may not even know they have a adjustable - rate mortgages 有些人甚至并不知道自己采用了可变利率抵押贷款。
Vrm variable rate mortgage 可变利率抵押
Now many people who took out adjustable - rate mortgages may not be able to make their payments 现在许多采用可变利率抵押贷款方式购买房屋的人可能已经无法偿还贷款。
Tracker mortgage : a variable mortgage that is either above or below the central bank ' s base rate by a set percentage within a set period 可变利率抵押贷款的一种,规定一定时期内抵押利率在央行利率的上下几个百分点之内。
The agreement between the government and the lending industry would freeze rates for five years on some variable rate mortgages and provide assistance to as many as 1 . 2 million homeowners 该项由白宫和抵押贷款借贷方签订的协议规定,将在未来五年内冻结部分可变利率抵押贷款的利率,帮助120万名贷款购房者保住“家园” 。