| 1. | Selfishness is a detestable quality in anyone . 自私是一种可恨的品质。 |
| 2. | It's a shameful, wicked, abominable law . 这是一项可耻,可恨,恶毒的法令。 |
| 3. | The country had just expulsed the detested invaders . 该国刚刚逐出可恨的侵略者。 |
| 4. | He would not remember that but for hateful wine ! 他就会忘掉那可恨已极的葡萄酒! |
| 5. | It's the brutality of a union without love . 可恨的就是这种没有爱情的结合,那简直是残酷。 |
| 6. | Humboldt spoke wonderfully of the wonderful, abominable rich . 洪堡精辟地谈着神通广大而又可恶可恨的有钱人。 |
| 7. | The night was turning jangled and hateful to him as the twilight faded . 夜色渐浓,在他看来黑夜变得越来越可怕可恨了。 |
| 8. | Why, i've been writing once a week. how aggravating that is! i miss him so . 真怪,我一直一个星期写一封信给他。多可恨哪!我很挂念他。 |
| 9. | On what foundation does your bold, mad, pitiable, and execrable arrogance rest ? 你这种恬不知耻、疯狂,既可怜又可恨的狂妄态度究竟有什么根据呢? |
| 10. | It is sad and discreditable, but some of the philanthropists often become weary of well-doing . 尽管事情是可悲和可恨的,但一些慈善家常会对这类好事感到厌倦。 |