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English translation for "可预见的未来"

innovation is future

Related Translations:
预见:  (能预料到将来) predict; foresee; anticipate; see beyond; see beforehand 短语和例子这是可以预见到的。 this can be predicted.2.(能预先料到将来的见识) foresight; prevision; second sight 短语和例子缺乏预见 lack foresight; 和我们的预见相反
可预见:  foreseeable
预见期:  forecast lead timeforecast timeleading time
不能预见:  unforeseeable unpredictableunforeseeable; unpredictable
科学预见:  scientific prediction
预见未来:  next
完全预见:  perfect foresight
进位预见:  carry look-ahead
预见的:  forethought
预见条件:  predicted condition
Example Sentences:
1.Quantum computing will be strictly mainframe for the foreseeable future
2.The temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the excepted future
3.I n the foreseeable future , the village will boast a new school and a new road
4.The projections suggest a flattening off and then a slight decline in the foreseeable future
5.Spring is rapidly maturing and has the critical mass to be a player for the foreseeable future
6.They have never been afraid of mice , and probably won ' t develop a fear to them in the foreseeable future
7.This document identifies and plans for all improvements the city envisions in the foreseeable future
8.Series a rounds , where you raise a million dollars or more , will be custom deals for the forseeable future
9.The space agency has authorized him to set aside his other duties for the foreseeable future and devote his time to the hunt for the tapes
10.Since any earnings , if realized , are anticipated to be reinvested in operations , cash dividends are not expected to be paid in the foreseeable future
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