The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work . 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。
The surface of the table is cut with t slots so that workholding devices such as the vise can be clamped to them . 工作台的表面切有T形槽以便工件夹具,如台钳,能固定在T形槽上。
The vise ( parallel - jaw vice ) is available to all of the bench work 所有的钳工工作都可使用台钳(平口钳) 。
The vise ( parallel - jaw vice ) is available to all of the bench work 所有的确是的钳工工作都可使用台钳(平口钳) 。
Clip holding rack forceps 银夹台钳
The surface of the table is cut with t slots so that workholding devices such as the vise can be clamped to them 工作台的表面切有t形槽以便工件夹具,如台钳,能固定在t形槽上。
The workpiece was considered as elastomer , and was deformation when clamped both by bench clamp and fixture was simulated with ansys 将工件视为弹性体,运用有限元分析软件ansys ,对采用台钳直接装夹和工装装夹中零件产生的变形进行模拟。
For transmitters copper wire made of folded copper , in the grip sian , the other side wear crowbar , forced tighten reverse at the same time , control laps or angle to the right 发射器用铜丝制成,对折铜丝,在台钳上夹住,另一端穿铁棒,用力绷紧的同时扭转,控制圈数,升角要合适