The emperors rode towards the flank , and the trumpets of the first cavalry regiment began playing a march 二位国王向侧翼奔驰而至,第一骑兵团的司号员吹奏大进行曲。
Rostov was standing near the trumpeters , and with his keen eyes he recognised the tsar from a distance and watched him approaching 罗斯托夫站在离司号员不远的地方,他用他那锐利的目光很远就认出了国王,注视着他的莅临。
It seemed as though the sound did not come from the trumpeters , but that the army itself was naturally giving forth this music in its delight at the emperors approach 吹奏军号的仿佛不是司号员,而是军队本身自然而然地发出的乐声,国王的驾临真使他们感到非常高兴。