| 1. | Points , a one - time cost at closing , are charged as they are to customers 贷款合约终止的费用与一般客户相同。 |
| 2. | It is essential to state the exact date of termination and information such as the reason of termination will be useful 在书面通知上必需载明确实的合约终止日期,其他资料如终止合约原因等亦会有用。 |
| 3. | Survival of obligations : the provisions of section 2 hereinabove shall continue in full force notwithstanding the termination or expiration of this agreement 责任递延:尽管合约终止或到期,前述第二条之规定依然有效。 |
| 4. | Upon termination or expiration of this agreement , any proprietary information received pursuant to this agreement shall be returned , together with copies thereof 2本合约终止或到期时,依约接收之私有资料及复件皆须归还。 |
| 5. | But the director of immigration would take into account the unused balance if an employer submits a new application within 4 months of the termination of the contract 然而,若雇主在现行合约终止后4个月内提出新的申请,入境处处长会把征款余额计入新的申请。 |
| 6. | But the director of immigration would take into account the unused balance if an employer submits a new application within 4 months of the termination of the contract 然而,若雇主在现行合约终止后4个月内提出新的申请,入境处处长会把徵款馀额计入新的申请。 |
| 7. | Both the employer and the helper should notify the director of immigration in writing of the date of termination of the contract within 7 days following the termination 雇主及佣工双方均须在合约终止后七个工作天内,以书面形式将合约终止的日期通知入境事务处处长。 |
| 8. | If the fdh would like to work for the employer s spouse or family members , he she has to submit an application for change of employment sponsored by the spouse or a family member within two weeks from the date of such termination 若外佣希望为雇主的配偶或家人工作,须在合约终止后两星期内递交由雇主的配偶或家人作担保的更改雇主申请。 |