" do you give the horse his strength or clothe his neck with a flowing mane 19马的大力是你所赐的么。它颈项上吒挲的鬃是你给它披上的么。
As the scripture of the earth store bodhisattva states , " any thought of a sentient being incurs karma and sin . 这位在历史上曾经叱吒风云的英豪,死后又会面临什么样的遭遇呢?
Without human participants , no process or tool in the world could alone finish a software project 归根结底,无论是项目按时完成还是发布高质量的系统,都很大程度上依赖于参胝吒鎏迦砑
It was a time of brilliant aeronautical invention , turbulent love affairs including one with katharine hephurn , played by cate blanchett and savage corporate battles 侯活一生叱吒风云,但他对完美的执著却付上了巨大的代价。
However , the rumor of his being the illegitimate son of the station s biggest shareholder yan yue hin kwan hoi shan makes a stir in the industry 当他叱吒风云之际,忽传出他乃是大股东甄汝轩关海山的私生子,此事震撼整个播音界。
If you enter the temple through the front gate , you will see guantin bodhisattva before you , and a group of buddha ' s at the left 当你从关帝庙的正门步入,迎面是南海观音菩萨,左侧为释迦牟尼睡佛群像;大殿前是万世师表孔子,那吒太子和笑口常开的弥勒佛。
In the back hall are sakyamuni , empress heaven , goddess zhu chu , di mu yuan gong , tai sui ye , god of wealth , imperial doctor , prince nuozha , and prince hong hai er 大殿的左右两侧还供奉主处圣母、地母元宫、太岁爷、财神爷、太神医、那吒太子、红孩儿等。
Anecdotes from the national geographic documentary series dogs with jobs provide many examples of how canine intelligence is revealed in these ways , often complementing that of humans 由国家地理杂志投资拍摄的一系列名为叱吒狗职场的纪录片中,有许多报导狗儿如何凭藉智能来帮助人们的实例。
This tv drama revolves around the life of wu ze tian , the only empress in china s history , from the day she entered in the royal family to the climax of her life , becoming an empress . . 究竟这叱吒风云于一时的女性,有何本领成为千秋万世间一个女强人.本剧围绕她的生平事迹,为观众逐一揭开她那不平凡,毁誉参半的一生.