He led the revolution of 1911 to remove the millennia old autocratic monarchy in china 他领导的辛亥革命,推翻了在中国延续几千年的君主专制制度。
In this social and historical condition , boetie revealed profoundly the essential of the institution of absolute monarchy 在这样的社会历史条件下,鲍埃西深刻揭露出君主专制制度的实质。
But how , in a time of plagues and monarchs , did this often comical , struggling scribe come to express such timeless passion in such perfectly life - like story and words 但是在那瘟疫横行和君主专制的时代,这个时常表现古怪、苦求生存的小作家怎么会用如此完美生动的情节和语言表达如此不朽的真情呢?
The domination of sovereign , the domination of paternity and the domination of authority of husband produce three main kinds of domination and obedience interpersonal relationships of the loyalty of lieges for sovereignty , the filial piety of son for father and the obedience of wife for husband 君主专制、父权专制、夫权专制则导致了臣对君的忠、子对父的孝、妻对夫的从三种主要的支配与服从的人际关系。
Go , where you may , search where you will roam through all the monarchies and despotism of the old world , travel through south america , search out every abuse , and when you have found the last , lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation , and you will say with me that , for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy , america reigns without a rival 你们走遍了海角天涯,找遍旧大陆(指欧洲)所有君主专制的集权国家,访遍南美洲,到处去挑出一切陋规恶习,然后拿那些东西与这个国家每天所干的事情比较一下,你们就会像我这样说:在极端野蛮和最无耻的伪善方面,美国确实首屈一指,举世无双。