This is not even our small rabbit also withstood a magnet off 这不,连我们的小兔也顶着个吸铁石出发了。
Your laid - back tude will be a major friend magnet 你柔和的态度是交朋友的一块吸铁石(吸引朋友的主要因素) 。
Have the children fish for shapes using a broom with a string tied around the handle and a magnet on the end of the string 让孩子用把柄上戏有绳子的扫帚,绳子的另一头还系有块吸铁石,向钓鱼一样的去吸图形卡片。
Joey : i ' m telling you , that monkey is a chick magnet ! she ' s going to take one look at his furry , cute little face and it ' ll seal the deal 我告诉你,那个猴子是美女吸铁石!她们绝对愿意看看那个毛茸茸的东西,可爱的小脸。
Games , the player control screen , the small rabbit . use all of the magnet will be far from metal objects attract to the designated circle box can cross the border 游戏中,玩家控制画面中的小兔,使用头上的吸铁石将远处的金属物品吸引到指定的圆框内即可过关。