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English translation for "哄然大笑"

laugh uproariously; roar with laughter; burst into a guffaw; a volley of laughter 短语和例子

Related Translations:
发出哄然大笑:  let out a loud guffaw
他的讲话引起阵阵哄然大笑:  this utterance of his was greeted with bursts of uproarious laughter
Example Sentences:
1.This utterance of his was greeted with bursts of uproarious laughter .
2.The students broke out laughing on hearing the joke
3.Roars and shrieks of laughter rang out from the whole regiment
4.People fell about when tom told them he was composing music
5.The speaker ' s mistake was so funny the audience exploded with laughter
6.They laughed when i sat down at the piano - but when i started to play
7.The laughter which followed this sally was supplemented only by a sorry smile , for form s sake , from tess
8.If you had told an international banker a few years ago that nigeria was preparing to issue bonds on the global market , he may well have laughed in your face
9.As soon as he had left the room , all the officers broke into loud peals of laughter , and marya hendrihovna blushed till the tears came , making her even more charming in the eyes of the officers
10.Oo ! the soldiers burst into a roar of such hearty , good - humoured laughter , in which the french line too could not keep from joining , that after it it seemed as though they must unload their guns , blow up their ammunition , and all hurry away back to their homes
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