| 1. | The nobel prize in chemistry : arthur harden 诺贝尔化学奖-阿瑟哈登 |
| 2. | Madam , mrs . harden says she has sent up the usual quantity “小姐,哈登太太说已经按平时的份量送来了。 ” |
| 3. | Poor tony harden , he was drunk last night as usual and made his exit by falling under a lorry 可怜的托尼?哈登!他昨晚像往常一样喝醉了酒,跌倒在卡车下面被碾死了。 |
| 4. | British biochemist . he shared a1929 nobel prize for research on the fermentation of sugars 哈登,阿瑟1865 1940英国生物化学家,因在糖发酵上的研究而获1929年的诺贝尔奖 |
| 5. | The general tapped by president bush to head the cia was grilled by senators today about the national security agency ' s warrantless surveillance program 今天参议院就国家安全局未经授权擅自监视一案对麦克尔哈登将军展开了盘问。 |
| 6. | The general tapped by president bush to head the cia was grilled by senators today about the national security agency ' s warrantless surveillance program 今天参议院就国家安全局未得到允许私自监视一案对麦克尔哈登将军展开了盘问。 |
| 7. | Mrs . harden , be it observed , was the housekeeper : a woman after mr . brocklehurst s own heart , made up of equal parts of whalebone and iron 得说明一下,哈登太太是个管家,这个女人很合布罗克赫斯特先生的心意,两人的心一样都是铁铸的。 |
| 8. | The general tapped by president bush to head the cia was grilled by senators today about the national security agency ' s warrantless surveillance program 今天,参议员们就国家安全局未经授权擅自监视一事对布什总统新任命的中情局首脑麦克尔?哈登将军发出质疑。 |
| 9. | Prussia has declared that bonaparte is invincible , and that all europe can do nothing against him . and i dont believe a single word of what was said by hardenberg or haugwitz 普鲁士已经宣布,说波拿巴无敌于天下,整个欧洲都无能同他作对我一点也不相信哈登贝格豪格维茨的鬼话。 |
| 10. | Henry robinson luce and briton hadden created time in 1923 , as the first news weekly and the first of the three top news weekly , it has many characters in both editing skills and managements which has made it develop from its initiative circulation - less than 10 thousands - to more than 10 million per week and become the badge not only for that period but also for the whole magazine industry 由亨利?鲁斯( henryrobinsonluce )和布理敦?哈登( britonhadden )于1923年创办的《时代》周刊,不仅是最早的美国现代新闻类周刊,而且在八十年后的今天还稳居美国三大新闻周刊之首,在编辑和经营方面都形成了自己的鲜明特色,成为美国乃至世界杂志业的标志和典型。 |