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English translation for "商业通讯"

business communication
business correspondence
commercial correspondance
commercial letter
commercial newsletter

Related Translations:
噪声通讯:  noise communication
航天通讯:  space letter
时事通讯:  news letternewsletter
网络通讯:  network communication
通讯往来:  connecting people
电脑通讯:  dataphone
短波通讯:  short wave communication
樱花通讯:  sakura tsushin (1-15ic)
通讯难:  problems of housing traffic and communication
通讯器:  communicator
Example Sentences:
1.34 . word processing business communication english
34 .英文文书处理及商业通讯
2.Word processing and business communication
3.1 . there are 4 essential aspects of personal and business communication we want to be sure of when we communicate through the internet . these are
1 .当我们使用互联网进行个人及商业通讯时,有四项要点必须留意,它们是:
4.Post or transmit any advertisements , solicitations , chain letters , pyramid schemes , investment opportunities or schemes or other unsolicited commercial communication , or engage in spamming or flooding
5.Post or transmit any advertisements , solicitations , chain letters , pyramid schemes , investment opportunities or schemes or other unsolicited commercial communication , or engage in spamming or flooding
6.It recognizes the fact that their work on the software code used to transmit data across the internet has put them " at the forefront of a digital revolution that has transformed global commerce , communication , and entertainment .
7.In the multimedia language laboratories , audio and video teaching packages , networked computers and dedicated software programmes are used to provide student - centred activities on pronunciation , business communication and other language and communication skills
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