The two - order volterra model can be identified with the correlation analysis and frequency - domain analysis when the input is gaussian white noise 通过相关分析、频域分析,采用高斯白噪声输入信号,可以对二阶volterra模型进行辨识。
Noise inputs that enter the system with the command input require filtering techniques to remove or suppress them without affecting the command input itself 随着命令输入进入系统的噪声输入需要滤波器进行驱除或者抑制并不对输入信号产生影响。
This approach only requires the noise inputs to be energy - bounded instead of gauss white noises . the main results can be expressed by lmi after some matrix manipulations 该方法不需要限定系统的噪声输入信号为高斯白噪声,而只要求噪声信号为能量有界。