Hijri is a calendar system with several variations 回历是有多种变体的日历系统。
For more information about the hijri calendar , see the 有关回历的更多信息,请参见
The first month of the moslem calendar 回历正月伊斯兰教历法中的第一个月
The hijri calendar has 12 months with 29 to 30 days each 回历有12个月,每个月有29到30天不等:
The date january 1 , 2001 a . d . in the gregorian calendar is roughly equivalent to the sixth day of shawwal in the year 1421 a . h . in the hijri calendar 公历中的日期公元2001年1月1日大概相当于回历中a . h . 1421年shawwal月的第6天。
If the moon is sighted on saturday 25th movember 2000 ( 29th shaban ) fasting will commence on sunday 26th november 2000 , otherwise fasting will commence on monday 27th november 2000 二零零零年十一月廿五日?星期六? ?回历八月廿九日?看月;如见月,则十一月廿六日?星期日?封斋;如不见月,则准于十一月廿七日?星期一?封斋。
Class , except the saudi hijri calendar uses a table - based algorithm licensed from the saudi government to calculate dates , can express dates to the year 1450 a . h . , and does not support the 类几乎一样,但沙特阿拉伯回历使用由沙特阿拉伯官方授权的基于表的算法来计算日期,该类可以表示截止到回教纪元1450年的日期,而且不支持