The employment of climbing boys as chimney sweeps was prohibited by an act of parliament 雇用攀爬的男孩为烟囱清洁工是被英国国会法案所禁止的。
The new legislation that created canada was a british act of parliament called “ the british north america acts of 1867 ” 使加拿大成为一个国家的新法案是一项叫做“ 1867年英属北美法案”的英国国会法案。
This year will see the implementation of a new act of parliament giving our devolved government in wales greater powers to face the challenges of the future to help wales benefit from future opportunities 今年,新的国会法案将会实施,这将赋予威尔士政府更大的权利,以应对未来的挑战,并帮助我们的人民从未来的机遇中受益。