| 1. | They stemmed from a clash of national interests . 它们产生于国家利益上的冲突。 |
| 2. | Vietnam is in no way inconsistent with american national interests . 越南与美国的国家利益丝毫不相抵触。 |
| 3. | Literacy and educational attainment is a matter of vital national interest . 扫除文盲和教育成就是有关国家利益的大事。 |
| 4. | The decisions i am called upon to make can easily affect the welfare of the country and even the peace of the world . 需要我作出决定往往涉及国家利益,甚至世界的和平。 |
| 5. | Vanity can never be completely dissociated in high office from the perception of national interest . 一个身居高位的人,他的虚荣心从来不能同他对国家利益的认识完全分开。 |
| 6. | Konnedy argued that, while passing judgement on a story's news value, editors must also decide whether its publication would be in "the nation's interest" . 肯尼迪争论之点是,判断一篇报导的新闻价值,编者还得决定发表这段新闻是否符合“国家利益。” |
| 7. | Whether we resist attacks on threatened countries depends less on artful interpretations of a complicated agreement than on our perception of the national interest . 我们是否抵制对受威胁的国家所进行的攻击,与其说取决于对复杂的协定的巧妙解释,还不如说取决于我们对国家利益的考虑。 |
| 8. | How is any of that not in our national interest 怎么能说没有体现国家利益了呢? |
| 9. | On synthetical explaining way of national benefit 探寻国家利益的综合解释模式 |