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English translation for "国家定价"

state-fixed price

Related Translations:
定价:  1.(规定价格) fix a price; make a price; set price 短语和例子给某物定价 fix a price for sth.; set a price on sth.; 定价偏低 under-pricing; 这家店里衣服定价偏高。 the clothes in this shop are priced high. 这本字典定价 5元。 the
定价过高:  over-pricing
定价制度:  pricing system
预期定价:  anticipated buyinganticipatory pricing
掠夺性定价:  predatory pricing
协商定价:  negotiated price
副产品定价:  by-product pricing
定价技术:  techniques of price setting
减低定价:  reduce prices
尾数定价:  manti a pricingmantissa pricing
Example Sentences:
1.The product price term shall , except where the state provides that the state - fixed prices must be followed , be determined by the parties through consultation
2.Article 3 the state shall adopt the principle of combining direct price administration and indirect price control , whereby three types of prices , namely a state stipulated price , a state guided price and a market adjusted price , are implemented
3.Article 8 state stipulated prices refer to commodity prices and service fee rates determined by the commodity price departments and the competent departments of the various people ' s governments at county level and above in accordance with their area of jurisdiction as stipulated by the state
4.Article 9 a list of commodities and service fee items which are subject to division of control and under state stipulated pricing and state guided pricing shall be formulated and adjusted by the state commodity price department and provincial , autonomous region and directly administered municipal commodity price departments designated by the state commodity price department
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