the nation is prosperous and the people are strong and powerful
Example Sentences:
In modern times , chinese peop1e strugg1ed very hard to pursue prosperity and strength 近代以来,内外交困的中国社会以国富民强为主旨,在左冲右突中寻觅新路。
She lovingly told the villagers that since it happened to be the king s birthday , our action was to express our gratitude to his wise care of his people 师父亲切地告诉村民们,因适逢泰皇生日,此行是为了感激他英明地照顾泰民,且恭贺他万寿无疆国富民强。
Its scientists were the world ' s best , its workers the most skilled . america and americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the europeans and asians whose economies the war had destroyed 译:美国的科学家是世上最优秀的,它的工人是最富于技术的。美国的国富民强是那些经济遭到战争破坏的欧亚诸国做梦也无法达不到的。
In fact , the development of elementary education was one of critical factors to make modem china prosperous and strong and the primary school teachers were in charge of the important task 在国穷民困、内乱外辱的近代中国,教育救国的理想承载着国人期望。小学教育则是国富民强之根本,小学教师肩负着“教育救国”的重任。
It ' s the only way in which the so - called " value investment philosophy " takes root among millions of investors in china , also the unique way in which a prosperous and vigorous economy in the country can be expected 当前我们最紧迫的任务乃是正本清源、下大力气培育好资本市场的主体。让我们永远记住:上市公司整体的发展壮大乃是投资者真正树立价值投资理念的前提,同时也是中国走向国富民强的必由之路。