This is true , is also a pathetic history 这是国耻,也是悲惨的历史!
Mr putin seems to regard foreign debt as a sort of national insult , and is paying most of it off 普京似乎将外债视为国耻,因此正在偿还其中的大半。
“ daniele de rossi assures roma can get over their 7 - 1 demolition at old trafford . “ in the past we have come out of worse situations than this 罗马在上周的欧联8强次回合作客以1 : 7惨败予英超班霸曼联,被意大利传媒视为国耻。
" the next day , december 8 , the president of the united states , franklin d . roosevelt , addressed congress and the american people , calling december 7 " " a date which will live in infamy " " . 翌日,美国总统富兰克林?罗斯福对国会和美国人民发表演说,称12月7日为国耻日。