Restaurant , that can hold 600 persons for meal , can accept wedding banquet , birthday banquet , and conference banquet etc , by the famous cook 国色天香餐厅环境典雅名师主厨,可同时接待600人用餐,承办各类婚宴寿宴会议餐等。
Tree peony is the national flower of china , standing for " national color and heavy fragrance " king of all the flowers " , it is the symbol of happiness and prosperity for chinese people 牡丹中国的国花,世称"国色天香" , "花中之王"被我国人民视为幸福和平,繁荣昌盛的象征。
Tree peony and herb peony have similar leaves , tree peony is tree plants , herb peony is herbaceous plants . both of then are the most beautiful and most exotic flowers in the world . the original country of tree peony is in china . peony is the sympol of happiness and prosperity for chinese people 牡丹原产中国,又名木芍药富贵花百两金。它雍容华贵,国色天香,被誉为“百花之王”的中国“国花” 。牡丹是中华民族兴旺发达繁荣昌盛,人民生活幸福美好吉祥如意的象征。