| 1. | On the county public library in the 21st century 中国图书馆学会首届百县馆长论坛札记 |
| 2. | The 40 - years progress of guangdong library society 广东图书馆学会40年回顾 |
| 3. | A discussion on the development of the work of library academy 读广东省图书馆学会学术沙龙综述有感 |
| 4. | China society for library science 中国图书馆学会 |
| 5. | The summary for the first youth forum of the hebei province library association 河北省图书馆学会第一届青年论坛纪要 |
| 6. | On the theoretical basis and real meaning of developing chinese foreign direct investment 以广东图书馆学会发展之路为例 |
| 7. | The important tasks for the research of library science 中国图书馆学会基础理论和文献资源建设专业委员会2000年工作暨学术研讨会纪要 |
| 8. | Part iv : case study : the network evaluation and analysis of commissioners in our national library academy organization 第四部分“案例:我国图书馆学会委员网络测评与分析” 。 |
| 9. | This part presents some positivist webometric research and the scientific webometrics and evaluation of these commissioners 具体地展开了网络计量的实证研究,科学地进行我国图书馆学会委员的网络测评与分析。 |
| 10. | The american library association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas , and that the following basic policies should guide their services 美国图书馆学会确认所有的图书馆都是资讯及思想的论坛,其服务应遵守下列的原则。 |