| 1. | You can ' t officiate , or give the sacraments anymore 你不能再行使或授予圣礼了 |
| 2. | Do you always say the mass in latin 你在圣礼上总是说拉丁语的吗 |
| 3. | A . the word , discipline , and sacraments 答:圣道、纪律和圣礼。 |
| 4. | The priest administered the last rites 神父为人举行临终圣礼。 |
| 5. | You ' d have sung the mass in latin behind a huge choir screen 你需要站在巨大的围栏幕布后用拉丁语唱出圣礼 |
| 6. | He had been excommunicated , excluded from our society and sacraments 他已经被逐出教派,不能参加我们的集会和圣礼了! |
| 7. | I should like to add an eighth sacrament to those of the roman church ? the sacrament of divorce 我想为罗马天主教堂己有的圣礼加上一条第八条圣礼?离婚圣礼 |
| 8. | Our mission is to serve god and one another , minister sacraments , and share the gospel with all people 我们的宗旨是:服事上帝、彼此相爱、遵守圣礼、传扬福音。 |
| 9. | Rites of passage the dear children are taught to observe the many sacraments which mark and sanctify their passages through life 教导子女,观瞻各种圣礼,人生的各阶段都要行持圣礼。 |
| 10. | I you let it alone . but , prince , said anna mihalovna , after this solemn sacrament , let him have a moments peace “ mais , monnpuince , ”安娜米哈伊洛夫娜说道, “在举行这样盛大的圣礼以后,让他安静片刻吧。 |